D'ieteren Immo
Mind. Plan. Build.
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Mind. Plan. Build.


D’Ieteren Group’s Real Estate Division in Belgium

Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Operated Sites
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Total Surface Area
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members
Team Members

Our Ambition
Playing a Pioneering Role
on the Belgian Market

As the real estate division of the D'Ieteren Group in Belgium, D'Ieteren Immo is responsible for the management of the real estate assets necessary for the development of the group's activities, be they offices, workshops, concessions, logistics centers or parking facilities.

Our activities are oriented towards the reconversion of sites and the search for new plots of land for real estate development in the semi-industrial and service sectors as well as the residential market. We also support our end customers with real estate advice and a range of innovative services.

Loozenberg 1

Our Mission Statement
Ensuring the Prosperity
of our Heritage

D'Ieteren Immo ensures the prosperity of its portfolio, which in some cases has been part of the group's assets for decades. We strive for excellence in our fields of expertise through:

  • Rigorous governance
  • Sustainable management of its real estate portfolio
  • Long-term relationships with its clients, its suppliers and the authorities
  • A well-trained and proactive team
Headquarter dieteren immo mail

Our Vision
Investing with a
Long-term Vision

In line with the values embodied by the family shareholding of the D'Ieteren Group, the Invest and Hold strategy defended by D'Ieteren Immo constitutes the heart of its sustainable approach: investing with a - very - long-term vision, without any objective of rapid valuation.

This intention will deeply shake up the codes of the real estate developer's trade.

Superstructure mail
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Our Commitment
Fighting against
Global Warming

Aware that the construction sector is largely responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, D'Ieteren Immo seeks to reduce its carbon footprint within the limits of its resources, through a broad action programme in the areas of biodiversity, research to reduce energy consumption through monitoring, production of green electricity on its own sites, or storage of autogenerated energy.

Discover our Latest
Annual Report

  • Explore our 2022 Annual Report to delve into our journey, achievements, and impact. Download now to learn about our commitment to sustainability and our vision for the future.

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